The textbook in general neurology is designed towards a wide audience with interests in neuroscience - students, physicians and specializing doctors in neurology and in physical and rehabilitation medicine, physiotherapists and healthcare professionals.
It can be used by neurosurgeons, dentists, general practitioners, psychologists, psychiatrists and other specialists with interests in the field of neuroscience. Through its unique appearance and content the textbook fills a significant gap in the modern education literature as a contemporary practical guide on nervous system diseases.
The textbook presents in a sufficient volume general neurology in accordance with the current educational programs in neurology. Each section is saturated with optimal information and is well illustrated with author's color photos and schemes.
The using of a special area for illustrations facilitates the relationship between figures and text. Especially helpful is the obligatory final summary of each topic with the so-called "Minimal required level of competence" (MRLC). It has a detailed and perspicuous contents and index, which are an efficient tool for the information sought.